Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back in the game.

OK... so my plan to take a few days off from "diet mode" over the holidays somehow turned into almost a month of eating junk and slacking off. During which time I managed to gain 8 pounds.

I am not really bothered by the gain, even though I know how long it is likely to take to lose all that weight. I was BURNED OUT. I spent close to a year on a diet and for the last 6 months I have been working out 5-6 days a week. My hard work paid off in the form of a 69 pound weight loss. Not back for a year's work! But as I head into year 2 of this journey I think I need to take a more relaxed approach to things. I've managed to lose a lot of weight, but if I'm feeling burned out then it's not a lifestyle change. I've just managed to stay on a diet for a long time. I need for this to be a true lifestyle change if the weight is going to stay off.