Thursday, November 29, 2012


All those pre-Thanksgiving workouts paid off! I am down a pound this week. =)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Dear Bursitis,

I hate you.

No love, ME

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I went to a 90 minute Zumba class today and did not die. In fact I feel pretty awesome right now.

There was a time when I would not have made it through the whole class. There was a time when that much exercise would have been it for the day.

Today it just means that pumpkin pie is WELL EARNED.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


This whole idea of trying to work on toning/strength training? It hurts. So many sore muscles!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Whine, whine, whine I hate this and I am sick of thinking about it. I don't feel like working out, or counting points or dealing with any of this shit today. I hate how much work this is.

Monday, November 19, 2012


I have chronic bursitis in my hip. Normally, regular physical activity keeps it from flaring up. But in the last week, that has not been enough I guess. My hip hurts. It's not locking up or making me limp, so I guess that is good. It's just achey enough to be annoying.

I think that I will skip the gym tonight. Or maybe just go and soak in the hot tub.

Monday, November 12, 2012

New routine.

Last time I posted, I'd lost 2 pounds. Then last week I gained one. I feel like I have been gaining and losing the same couple of pounds for a while. I'm also not losing anymore inches like I was this summer. I think I have finally hit plateau territory. Ugh...

While I have been making more of an effort to use up activity/weekly points, I am still not using them all every single week. So I don't think that eating less is really going to make a difference. Although I am going to make sure I am being ever vigilant about measuring portions. (is it rude to bring my kitchen scale to parties? LOL) I also really need to stop skipping breakfast.

No, my plan to counter this plateau is going to be a change in my workout routine. And with the coming change in seasons, I think it's a great time to do this. For the last few months I have been all about the cardio: 2-3 days a week I would walk or bike the 1.25 miles to the gym, hop on an elliptical machine and sweat for 20-30 minutes, and then walk home. In addition to gym visits, I was making sure to walk or bike for errand running. So I was getting at least 20 minutes of exercise a day, 5 days a week. But all cardio, and honestly not terribly challenging anymore.

I have decided to spend a week or two trying out some classes at the gym and seeing if I can find some things I enjoy. I also am looking to add in some strength training into the mix. I attended a ballet Barre class over the weekend. That was really fun. I am planning to attend a barbell class this week- I used to go to this one regularly but I got out of the habit. I am also thinking of going to a cycle class. I've never really liked cycle class, but there is significantly less of me since the last time I went. Maybe it will be less painful? I will report back.

I will still get plenty of walking in, as I don't own a car so even in winter I walk a lot, to get groceries, etc, but no more biking until spring as I don't own a bicycle and the Nice Rides are in storage for the winter.

I am likely too far behind to hit my goal by the end of the year, as I'd hoped. But hopefully a change-up in routine will help me stay on track through the holidays!